Models of Yesteryear / Lesney Matchbox (2025)

Lesney range of die cast models. The Models of Yesteryear, introduced in 1956, were renditions of classic vehicles from the steam and early automotive eras. These were often about 3½-4" in length. Accessories Packs were also introduced in 1956 and included petrol pumps, garages, and the like. Major Packs, which were larger-scale models, often of construction vehicles, were added in 1957. The King Size series of larger-scale trucks and tractors was added in 1960 and was diversified from 1967 onwards to include passenger car models in a scale similar to that used by Corgi and Dinky. Major Packs had been absorbed into the King Size range by 1968. [Wikipedia]

What's your Yesteryear worth in 2024? Here are some recently sold items.

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Comments (20)

Jonel - March 22, 2024

I can't seem to find a 1902 opel coupe matchbox, I have one, wanted to know value today

I did some research, but only found this: Yesteryear Opel Coupe model 1909, so I can't help you unfortunately.

Steve - February 21, 2024

these prices seem low. not much more than I paid in the 80's at swap meets..

Yeah, it seems that a lot of them aren't really collectible. But if you change the auctions on this page to show: Price Highest, you'll see the more expensive ones.

Tony - August 21, 2023

Good day
Just wondering if there is a club or market to sell these models of yesteryear and also catalogs with prices , thanks

Crispin - May 11, 2023


I have collection of Yesteryear and Dinky toy cars and would like to get a valuation on them. Are you able to help?


Laura - April 11, 2023

I have a No 1 model of yesterday Y1 traction engine given to my son yrs ago and wanted to get idea of price please anyone help it’s in original box which is in fairly good order but does have top of one end taped on very discreetly

Magnus - March 29, 2023

Hey i have two unboxed cars model of yesteryear y9 1912 simplex -50 red body orange roof the order one is a y8 1945 mg-tc Green body lightbrown roof what kind off valde can it be ? Tried google but Hard to find any info with this color settings greetings Magnus from sweden =)

Ross - March 19, 2023

I have a MoY No 7, series 1. It's in original mint condition (with an original type A box). It hasn't been repainted, and opened today for the first time in decades.
It differs from other No 7s I've seen on various websites. My model has the usual branding on the RHS - W&R.Jacob&CoLtd in gold lettering with prominent white shadowing. However, the LHS (passenger side) has the identical branding but it has virtually no shadowing.
Could that have been an error during manufacturing? Do you know if it's rare? Any idea of value? I'm selling a collection.

Marion - February 13, 2023

I have a Y27 1922 Foden Type Steam Wagon Model of Yesteryear
Made in England. It is Red Chassis Yellow body with black roof. XXXX Man with XXXX The popular beer on the side. There is what looks like some writing that has been scrubbed out on the Chassis. I can not find this model anywhere. Do you have any ideas

Steven - February 12, 2023

I have about 30 vintage matchbox lesney cars and trucks would like to know if I have any worth any type of money.

Royv - May 30, 2022

Hi Everybody, my first visit and posting here. My late mom and I collected various models in the early 70's to display on an internal cement breeze wall. Unfortunately some visiting "little monkey-fingers" damaged some of the vehicles I found out later. My left-over little collection of models include 2 x 1912 Rolls Royces - both with damaged rear seats and minus radiator cores. Then a 1911 Maxwell Roadster - pristine condition except for radiator core (similar to the one in Lot 7). Finally, a 1930 Packard Victoria - excellent condition minus plastic soft top. Is there any remote possibility of spare parts to be found somewhere or should I make peace with "monkey fingers' character"? Would appreciate any guidance.

Welcome! Difficult to find spare parts Roy, I don't know. However, there are some collectors groups on Facebook (just login and search for 'yesteryear') you could join and ask there as well.

Nina - December 12, 2021

y5 1907 peugeot gold color. are they really rare and expensive? i have one, what should i look for?

I'm afraid they aren't sold for that much, although some sellers ask high prices. Lots of them are unsold, even for USD 6 to 10. Not sure why. There is a Matchbox collectors group on Facebook where you could ask as well.

Janet - August 18, 2021

What is the value of yesteryear G6 truck collection. There are 6 in the original wrapping. Thank you

Tim - June 7, 2021

Is there a way of me sharing a photo of 8 Lesney models of yesteryear cars to see what their value is?

Ray - April 1, 2021

i have matchbox collectibles"models of yesterday" brand new still in boxes how can i sell them?

John - November 30, 2020

I have around 650 Models of Yesteryears for sale anyone can help

Sell it as a lot on eBay or there are some Facebook groups with collectors.

Benjy - September 17, 2020

I have 26 Models of Yesteryear. Most have never been out of their boxes - mint condition. If anyone is interested I could send a list of what I have. I would like to sell all.

Ray - September 16, 2020

Hi I have a large collection of Matchbox Models Of Yesteryear, do you Know of somewhere I can sell the whole collection.

Well, I always suggest eBay, but maybe there are some Matchbox collectors groups on Facebook as well to try.

Sandy - September 11, 2020

Is there reproductions of the yesteryear cars and if so how can you tell ?

I don't think so. However, you'll find lots of reproduction boxes.

Ann - April 12, 2020

Best place to find values ? I have BOXES of NIB Lesney Matchbox Models... never played with ! Where do I begin ??

Not sure, but a good start might be this Yesteryear Collectors page on Facebook. Just post a few pictures and they might help you. Good luck!

Jay - March 14, 2020

I have a models of yesteryear Matchbox truck, Y-13 1918 crossley, Wiltshire County Council yellow truck, it came with a certificate saying its unit 551 out of 1000 models, the truck and original box and certificate are in good condition. I cannot find another example even on ebay. I have pictures available

Best is to ask the experts on this Facebook page: Lesney Matchbox Collectors Group.

Models of Yesteryear / Lesney Matchbox (2025)


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